office (281) 858-8080
fax (281) 463-0789

Upcoming Leagues:

The next adult leagues is as follows: (see home page)

Available Leagues

  • Adult Men
  • Adult Coed


Soccer Leagues consist of 8 games.  Adult game duration is two 25 minute halves separated by a 3 minute break.


The rules for playing are in the attached link: Indoor Rules


Men's Open C - Monday
Men's Open A - Tuesday
Coed Open A - Wednesday
Coed Open B - Wednesday
Men's Open B - Thursday
Men's Open C - Thursday
Men's Over 30 - Friday
Men's Open B - Sunday
Men's Open D - Sunday


    Qualified referees will officiate each game.  The referee fee is included in the league fee.

League Fee

Adult: $ 800 per team

    Payment: A deposit of $100 is required to reserve a spot within a league.  In addition, all teams will be required to have a valid credit card on file.  Teams that pay the full amount by the day of the first game will be rewarded with a $100 discount.  Teams that pay the full amount before the second game will be rewarded with a $50 discount.  All teams must pay a minimum of 50% of the league fee by the first game, 75% by the second game and 100% by the third game.  Teams that have not paid the required minimum will not be allowed on the field until that amount has been remitted.  All teams are required to have a credit card on file for any unpaid balances.

Team Registering

Register online - select "League" from home page, scroll down to "Upcoming League" and "Register Online" for selected league