Indoor Soccer Rules
- All players, coaches, and assistants must be added to a roster. In doing so, a waiver is electronically signed. Player id is created on the first visit to the facility and a card is generated when the information is validated NO WAIVER, NO PLAYER CARD, NO EXCEPTIONS. No one may play on two teams in the same league and no one may switch teams after having played for one team in the same session.
- Players and coaches must personally pick up and present their card to the scorekeeper before entering the bench area or playing field

Documents for verification of age or identification can be one or more of the following: Drivers License, D.M.V. ID, Passport, Green Card, High School ID, outdoor soccer league card, copy of birth certificate. Copy of Birth Certificate requires an additional piece of identification. If a formal protest is made, it is the team’s responsibility to re-verify the age and/or identity of the player. The only forms of identification acceptable in this case will be the first four items listed above. If that player can no longer provide proof, that team forfeits every game the offending player participated in. Any participant that is discovered to have lied about their identity or age to play in any league will be suspended for a minimum of 1 year. All fees paid by any suspended players are non-refundable.

- Management may request ID on a player at anytime, to verify age and/or identity. A team using an ineligible player may forfeit all games where that player played and the player will be suspended for up to 1 year. A team using a player who did not complete a waiver prior to playing will forfeit that game.
- You must be at least eighteen (18) years of age to play in adult leagues.
- If you have been paid to play professional (indoor or outdoor) soccer within the last year, or are now doing so, you are not eligible to play here as this is an amateur league.
- A player must have played in at least 5 league games to be eligible to play in playoffs and the league championship game
- Your facility may restrict advanced players from playing in leagues more than two levels down. Check with the Manager if there are any questions about this policy.

A team may have a maximum of five field players and a designated goal-keeper (except for some youth leagues). A team can start with a minimum of 3 players and a keeper but will forfeit if it then loses a player to penalty or injury. If it is a coed game, there must be at least one female in the minimum four players.

- Any player’s or team fee check that is returned will be suspended from playing until the problem is corrected and a fee of $25.00 is paid for said returned check.
- Teams currently playing will have first opportunity to rejoin the league by placing a deposit prior to the third week of play. Deposits are non-refundable. After the third week of play the league will be open to any team that wants to join on an availability basis.
- Every field player must wear the same color jersey or everyone must wear a bib. The home team changes in the event of a color conflict.
- No jewelry, watches, hats or outdoor cleats will be allowed.
- Spitting anywhere but in a garbage can is a two-minute penalty.
- Shin guards are mandatory.
- Those with physical or mental impairments of a serious nature that may put you or others at risk will be restricted from play. Pregnancy and heart conditions are examples of physical impairments.
- Knee braces must be inspected by the Referee prior to the start of the game.
- Casts must be padded and inspected by the Referee and/or management. Only players with some form of hand or arm cast may request of management and/or the Referee to be allowed to play.
- Blood is not allowed in the playing field. Any minor injuries involving blood must be covered by a band-aid or other suitable covering.
- Spitting on the field/court or bench area will result in a blue card.

Teams must provide their own ball for games/warm ups.

The Referee has the right to eject a player, coach, or spectator before, during or after the game. That person must leave the facility immediately (possible tournament or two leagues exception). If after receiving a red card as a coach, player, or spectator, misconduct continues, additional red cards may be awarded.
- If a player is issued a red card, he/she is ejected for the remainder of that game and the next league game.
- Anyone receiving a 2nd red card in a 1 year period will be suspended for 8 weeks from that facility as a player and a coach from all facilities with which we have a working relationship, starting from the date of the second red card.
- Anyone receiving a 3rd red card within 1 year of the 1st will be suspended for 1 year from the date of the 3rd red card as a player, coach, or spectator from all facilities with which we have a working relationship.
- Foul and abusive language or fighting is a mandatory red card (ejection) from the game and the facility. Anybody leaving the bench during a fight will be ejected and assessed a 5 minute penalty, to be served by another player. The ejected player must leave the property for the duration of the day (possible tournament or two leagues exception) and that team’s next game.
- All fees are non-refundable to suspended players. Any player or non-playing person given a red card for fighting is guilty of violent conduct and ejected from our facilities for not less than 1 year and up to permanently.

A protest must be submitted in writing and be accompanied by a $50 bond, and is non-refundable if the decision goes against the protesting team.

No alcoholic beverages on the premises. Anyone suspected of consuming alcohol or illegal substance during or prior to the game will be removed from the playing field and/or bench area and, depending on conduct, the premises. They will be given a red card and a suspension dictated by the facility manager.

The clock will begin running at game time. A team must have at least four (4) players ready to play for the game to begin. Balls must be off the field immediately after the Referee calls for them. Offending teams will receive a two minute penalty. If both teams are involved, the clock will start and ball removal done under a running clock. If a team is unable to start the game after two minutes has expired, their opponent will be awarded one goal. If a team is four minutes late, their opponent will be awarded a second goal. If a team is not prepared to play after five minutes has elapsed, the game is forfeited and the opponent is credited with a 5-0 victory (for standings purposes).

The kickoff does not have to go forward. Players may not cross the mid-field stripe until the ball is kicked. If off-sides is called, the opposing team will be awarded a free kick at mid-field. In indoor soccer every free kick is a direct kick. A goal may be scored directly from a free kick.

Boarding, tripping, striking, kicking, holding, pushing, charging or jumping at, handling the ball, sliding and dangerous play are all fouls. High kicks, bicycle and scissor kicks, & playing the ball while sitting or laying on the ground are all examples of dangerous play. All fouls will be restarted by a free kick at point of infraction, or top of the arch if it is a defensive foul in the arch. A whistle is not required for a restart after a foul unless it is a defensive foul in the arch. Every 6th foul is a shootout. The foul count carries over from the 1st half to the 2nd half. A sixth foul shootout is not a two minute penalty and the team is not shorthanded. A sixth foul shootout is not a guaranteed substitution so only those players on the field at the time the shootout is called may participate.

If, in the referee’s judgment, the foul is serious, a 2 minute penalty may be given. A time penalty does not count towards the foul total. The player serves the penalty and his team plays short until either the time penalty expires or the opposing team scores. Some of the more common infractions that may result in two minute penalties are delay of game, sliding, misconduct, too many players on the field (illegal substitution), and encroachment.
- The player penalized will serve the penalty, including the keeper.
- A player receiving three 2 minute penalties, or a combination of a yellow card and a blue card in a game is ejected from the facility and further suspended for his/her team’s next game.
- The progression of blue (2 min), yellow, and red cards for a player is as follows:
1st offense – blue card (2 minutes), player serves until time penalty expires or opposing team scores, whichever comes first. If a player earns a yellow card concurrent with the first (i.e. time penalty then misconduct), the player serves two 2 minute penalties.
2nd offense – yellow card, player serves until 2 minute time penalty expires.
3rd offense – red card, player is ejected and 5 minute penalty is served by another teammate.
- If a player receives a red card for serious foul play or violent conduct, he/she must leave the premises immediately and his/her team will play short for 5 minutes.
- If a player from the bench gets a red card for any reason their team will then have to sit a player for a 5 minute penalty.

- A slide is a two minute penalty.
- A slide is any intentional movement of leaving one or both feet while going down to the carpet.
- A goalkeeper may slide within the arch, but may not play the ball outside the arch while on the ground (dangerous play).

Only the authorized team captain may discuss a call with the Referee, upon the invitation of the Referee. Any player or non-player who touches, bumps, physically contacts or verbally abuses a game official or facility staff shall be guilty of violent conduct and ejected from the facility for not less than one year and up to permanently.
Dissent is a two minute penalty, the player serves time, and the team is short. Be aware there is a referee crease (half circle) in front of the scorekeeper bench. During discussions between the Referee and time- keeper it is illegal to enter into the crease. Players doing so will be assessed a two minute penalty and the team will be shorthanded.

For all kick restarts:
- The defender must provide a minimum of 5 ft. for the taking of a free kick or it will result in blue card.
- If the player taking the free kick requests the Referee to provide the 5 ft. legal distance, he/she must wait for a whistle restart.
- If the Referee asks a defensive player for distance from the restart and the player does not immediately comply, a two minute delay of game penalty shall be assessed.
- If the player taking the free kick chooses to ‘quick kick’ the ball and it strikes the defender who is attempting to block the quick start it will result in a blue card.
- If the defensive player, taking a stance within the 5 ft. distance, makes any attempt toward the ball to block the free kick and makes contact with the ball, he/she is guilty of encroachment and will be assessed a two minute penalty. The defender may move from side to side to play the ball, but not forward.
- For a defensive foul in the arch, the free kick is taken from the top of the arch and the 15 ft. distance is required. A whistle is required for the restart.

When the ball goes over the perimeter wall or touches the netting above the wall, play is restarted by the opposing team with a free kick. The ball is placed on the touch line 3 feet from the wall and the team taking the restart has 5 seconds to put the ball in play upon the Referee’s signal. Failure to put the ball in play within 5 seconds results in the opposing team getting the free kick. A ball that is judged by the Referee to be intentionally kicked out of play will be restarted at the top of the offending teams arch, and the offending player may be also subject to a two minute penalty. Any ball kicked out of the field of play will be replaced with another. Do not leave the playing field to retrieve a ball.
A ball hitting the ceiling or netting while still in the field of play shall be restarted directly beneath the spot it struck the ceiling. If the ball hits the ceiling or netting above either arch, the ball will be restarted by a member of the opposing team at the top of that arch.

A ball kicked or thrown over all three lines in the air towards an opponent’s goal without touching another player, the perimeter wall, or the referee will be brought back to the center point of the first red line it crossed and a free kick awarded to the other team.

A shootout is also awarded on every sixth foul. The designated shooter must set the ball on the centerpoint of the opponents red line. The defensive team must be behind the mid-field stripe inside the mid-field circle, and the offensive team behind the mid-field stripe outside the circle. When the Referee blows the whistle, play is restarted. Should game time expire before the taking of the shoot-out, the clock shall be reset at 5 seconds and the shoot-out retaken. No substitution is allowed during a 6th foul shootout and only players on the field may participate. The goalie may not be substituted during a 6th foul shootout. Starting Jan 2021 the person taking the shoot out is allowed to get a double touch this means they can get their own rebound off the wall or gk and score or pass.

A maximum of three male players is allowed on the field.
- Each team may have a maximum of three males on the field at one time, including the keeper.
- Female goals are worth 2 points, male goals are worth 1 point.
- Male players may only touch the ball 3 times consecutively (including shoot-out). If a male player touches the ball a 4th time without losing or surrendering possession, the opposing team will be awarded a free kick at the point of infraction.
If a male player receives a two minute penalty he must leave the game. If a female player then leaves the field, it is permissible to replace her with a male player, thereby leaving you with five players on the field and the maximum number of male players permitted. Then at the end of the penalty, a female player must re-enter the game.
In the coed league there is a goal differential rule in effect. The team behind by 6 goals will be allowed to add a player. If a team goes ahead by 8 goals, another player can be added by the trailing team. There is a two player addition maximum. Players are added or subtracted by the trailing team in accordance with the score.

- There are no time outs in youth league games.
- A team trailing by 4 goals will be allowed to add a player to the field of play. This rule continues for each subsequent 2 goals, to a maximum of 4 player additions.
- Players are added/subtracted by the trailing team in accordance with the score.
- Teams may have a maximum of two coaches on the team bench during games.

- The goalkeeper may possess the ball inside the arch for a maximum of 5 seconds (hands or feet), and can move anywhere in the arch in that 5 seconds. If he/she exceeds that time, the ball is placed at the top of the arch and a free kick awarded to the opposing team.
- The goalkeeper may play the ball with his/her hands if the ball is not intentionally passed back by a teammates foot pass (i.e. – the ball is kicked by the opposing team; deflected off one of his/her players, or played back off the head or chest of one of his/her teammates). Players on his/her team may not circumvent the rule by playing the ball off their feet to their head and then passing it back to the keeper. In accordance with CISL rules, that is a two minute penalty.
- If the goalkeeper retains possession or control of the ball outside his team’s arch, he has 10 seconds to distribute or advance the ball across the nearest red line. Failure to do so will result in a free kick awarded to the opposing team at the point of infraction.
- The goalkeeper has only one hand touch per team possession. The goalkeeper cannot bounce the ball or throw it in the air and catch it again.
- The goalkeeper cannot bring the ball into the box and then pick it up.
- For any goalkeeper violations the ball goes to the top of the arch and the opposing team is awarded a free kick.
- There are no more goal kicks. Balls out of bounds between the corner spots and restarts following a goalkeeper time out are restarted with the goalkeeper throwing the ball. The goalkeeper cannot set the ball at his/her own feet and then play the ball. Someone else must touch it first. If the goalkeeper were to play the ball twice by either dribbling or drop kicking, it is the equivalent of a double touch, and a free kick will be awarded to the other team at the top of the arch.
- If a player from the opposing team intentionally obstructs the goalkeeper from releasing the ball into play, it is a 2 minute penalty.
- If during play the goalkeeper either intentionally strikes an opponent by throwing the ball violently at, or pushes him/her with the ball while holding it, he shall be cautioned or ejected, as deemed appropriate by the Referee, and the opposing team awarded a shootout if the offense is initiated within the arch.
- An intentional handball by the goalkeeper outside the penalty area must result in a 2 minute penalty.
To clear up any confusion about goalkeeper handballs around the arch we offer the following explanation. The key point is the location of the ball. If the ball is inside the arch (lines are inside) at the moment of contact, it is not a handball, even if any other part of the goalkeeper’s body is outside the arch.

- During the game while the ball is in play, substitutions may be made at any time on an unlimited basis, provided the player substituted for is within the touchline or off the field before the substitution is made at his/her own bench area.
- Guaranteed substitutions (30 seconds) may occur: after a goal is scored; on a team, injury, or official’s timeout; after a two minute penalty or ejection. If play is inadvertently restarted with too many players on the field after any guaranteed substitution occasion, no penalty shall be assessed.
- The ball may not be played by either the departing or entering player while both are on the field at the same time (2 minute penalty).
- Jumping over the wall is a 2 minute penalty.
- Using the opposing team’s doors during a running clock is a 2 minute penalty.
- Substituting out the back of the goal is a 2 minute penalty.

Each team has one thirty second time-out per game. A time-out can only be called by a player on the field when his/her team is in possession of the ball in a dead ball situation (out of play, foul, after a goal, two minute penalty), or by the goalkeeper in possession of the ball with hands or feet inside the arch while unchallenged.
There are no time-outs in youth games.

Any game suspended is final. The sole exception is rain outs or blackouts, which will be replayed if called before the end of the 1st half.

Any player(s), coach or spectators for a team that cause a game to not be allowed to continue will be guilty of abandoning the game and the victory will be awarded to the opposing team.

We normally run eight game leagues. Once we have enough teams, we’ll break into an upper and lower division, sometimes three divisions. An ideal schedule is an eight team league, with the first seven games consisting of each team playing the other seven. The eighth week is #l in the standings versus #2, with the other games giving each team it’s most evenly matched game, 3 vs 4, 5 vs 6, and 7 vs 8. It’s possible to have a different schedule, and every now and then we’ll do a sudden death playoff format to mix it up. Check your schedule.
A defensive penalty in the arch, or a ‘last man’ foul in the defending team’s half of the field, must result in a shootout. The penalized player goes to the bench and his/her team is short, the shooter sets the ball on the red line center point. Everyone lines up at midfield, the defensive team inside the center circle, the offensive team outside the center circle. Play is restarted on the Referee’s whistle. It doesn’t waste playing time clearing the field. It’s as close to re-creating the original situation as we can get.
Every sixth foul is also a shootout. The sixth foul shootout differs in that you are not a player short. The six foul count rolls over from the first half to the second half.
Top 4 teams will advance to playoffs.
1st tie breaker will be goal differential.
2nd tie breaker is fewest goals allowed
3rd tie breaker is ‘rock, paper, scissors’ (best 2 oout of 3)
Playoffs (Soccer)
Top 4 teams advance
All games are played on the same nights (2 semi finals and 1 final)
Games are 20 minute halves
If tied after regulation, we go to a best of 5 penalty kicks (Not shoot outs.)
Absolutely no guest players are allowed for playoffs. Manager on duty will check in all players to make sure they are eligible.
3 points for a win
1 point for a tie
Your team wins the league, you get a trophy and your choice of t-shirts for the team (up to a maximum of 12 rostered players and/or coaches) or $50 credit towards your next league.
When it’s a blow out and the winning team goes into double figures we quit putting it on the scoreboard. We’re still keeping track on the score sheet we’re just not going to announce it to the world.